Monday, December 26, 2016

Bitcoin Leaded Data

Searching through our platform we are seeing bitcoin transactions including full credit card numbers. Here is a redacted list of what we are seeing. These appear to be foreign but still interesting.

Avro,Ahmed,,035325325,"2 BTC","1255.32 USD",Visa,"Avro Ahmed",4364************,CVV,,,,,,
Seems like this is an all too common occurrence lately. 

IBM of Brazil Credential Exposure

Looking through the Jigsaw Analytics Platform (from Jigsaw Security) we noted today that there was an account being leaked at the domain.

As 2016 comes to a close we have decided that instead of ignoring these issues we will be posting more and more. In fact we will be exposing these issues in 2017.


Thursday, December 8, 2016

More Retail Breach Details

We are about to release some details on another retail breach. It seems it just keeps getting worse and worse. We are trying to contact these folks but if they don't respond we will just post the information here.